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Do you need help with your Charity’s Accounts? 
We specialise in helping and advising Charities of all sizes. Trustees of Charities have many responsibilities which can be quite onerous particularly when one considers that they are providing their services free of charge. 
We can help prepare your Accounts in the correct format under the Charities Acts, whether you are an unincorporated charity or a charitable company. These Accounts will be compiled in accordance with Charity Commission guidance and for larger Charities this will mean The Statement of Recommended Practice for Charities (SORP). 
The format can be quite daunting if you do not have experience of preparing Charity Accounts. In addition we can guide you through the details you will need to consider in preparing the Report of the Trustees which accompanies the Accounts. All of this needs filing with the Charity Commission within 10 months of the Accounts year end concerned. 
Subject to certain income thresholds and the original governing document, a Charity may require an Independent Examination, or it may require an Audit. We are qualified to carry out such work. 
Do you need help with the Annual Return to be sent to the Charity Commission? We can guide you through the completion of the relevant information.